Forms of Driver Identification

One of the functions that Contele Fleet provides is driver identification. Identifying the drivers who drive your fleet is an important tool to **protect your legal security.** In addition to the **organizational** bias, the correct identification of drivers allows you to use features such as [sending messages via WhatsApp]( to the driver of the vehicle. **Only with the identification of the drivers** is it possible to access our detailed **Driver Reports**, with relevant information categorized by day, routes or all drivers. There are two ways to identify your fleet drivers: * Contele Driver Driver Application, the most suitable way. Know more. * Manually, choosing which Driver is the driver of the vehicle. This option is configurable by the system or through the Contele Fleet App (Managers). Remembering that our modern solution via **app** allows the driver to **always have the identifier in hand**, avoiding unidentified driving and possible future problems with his fleet, especially in cases of accidents, fines and traffic violations. The Contele Rastreador helps you with the identification control, **generating an event** and alerting by your cell phone and e-mail whenever a **driver does not identify himself**, in a period of 5 minutes. Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.