Resolving Time Zone Situations

With the arrival of daylight saving time, ** some situations may occur with your computer's time ** compared to Contele Tracker's time. The main reason for this problem is that Windows can erroneously change the computer's time, where the time that is displayed on your computer's clock is different from what Windows actually records. # How to ensure that the computer time is the same as Contele Tracker? ## Computer Time Open your computer's ** date and time settings ** and ** select the time zone ** closest to the city you are in. ** DO NOT CHOOSE Brasília time (UTC-03) **, when using it, Windows considers UTC-02, as currently ** Brasília (UTC-03) does not exist, due to daylight saving time **. When making the change, close the browser and open it again. If the problem persists, change to another time zone that has the same UTC and close it again and open the browser. ![]( To access the Windows ** Date and Time ** settings, right-click on the toolbar or search for ''Change date and time''. ![In the example, we chose the ** Salvador Time Zone (UTC-03) **.](Https:// # Contel Tracker Time Another important check is to check the time zone registered in your Contele Tracker account. To verify, simply access the ** "Your Company" ** tab, in the ** Settings ** menu, and access ** Date and Time **. ![]( Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside. _Date of last article update: August 24, 2021_