Setting up email and app notifications

Contele Fleet Notifications can be a great ally in your fleet management. Within the system, access **Vehicles**, on the left side menu, choose the **Vehicle** you want to edit the notification configuration by clicking on the **"Edit"** icon (Blue button with pencil). At the end of the screen, under **"Notifications"**, you can choose the Event options you want to receive: * Km reached; * Speeding; * Car stopped with engine running; * Electronic fence; * Hours of use; * Unidentified driver; You can activate notifications in email and in the APP. | Tip: If you don't have the Contele Fleet app yet, download it from [Google Play]( (Android) or [App Store]( (iOS). Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.