Logistics Service: How to register a Place
In the Logistics Service, ${color}[#000000](**Places**) are stopping point addresses to, for example, carry out a shipment or delivery point. In Places, both location addresses and people/passengers can be registered, in the case of companies that do charters and travel. # How to create a Place In Logistics Service, go to **Places** and then click **Register Place**. On the registration screen, you will fill in the following information: * **Name, Phone and E-mail;** * **Identification:** Code to facilitate scheduling, and for the passenger to [follow the route](https://help.contelerastreador.com.br/en/article/how-to-forward-the-contele-passenger-app-access-portal-1ccfi8d/?bust=1630434421727); * **Associated Client:** Associate with a Client that you have already associated on the [previous page;](https://help.contelerastreador.com.br/en/article/logistics-service-how-to-register-clients-12f64pz/) * **Tag:** Make tags for this Location. It is possible to create Tags at editing time; * **External Id:** * **Companion data and Access Key;** * **Special and Landing Address.** After that, register the embarkation and disembarkation address (if any) of this Place. Then click Save.  Once the Place is saved, when you return to the edit, you will find a **QR Code**, which will be used for the driver to present the code to the passenger, scan it and board the vehicle. | If the passenger is going with a companion, activate the button **Accompanying data**, to record information about this person. || The Special button was made to identify to the driver that that transport will be made for PwD (Persons with Disabilities). That way, the driver will know that driving should be extra careful. # Access key In Logistics Service Places, there is a function you can enable which is the **Access Key**. By activating the Access Key, this passenger will be able to follow the vehicle's route by cell phone, through a page under our domain on the cell phone. To access the page, you will need to login with your identification code and access key. [Learn more in this article. ](https://help.contelerastreador.com.br/en/article/how-to-forward-the-contele-passenger-app-access-portal-1ccfi8d/?bust=1630434421727) Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside. _Date of last article update: August 31, 2021_