Vehicle Situation: How to deactivate a Vehicle

Find out how to deactivate a Vehicle on Contele Fleet Tracking

In Contele Fleet Tracking, your Vehicles can be in two situations:

  • Activated: Vehicle activated in the system, which can be used in reports, functions, Contele Driver APP, etc.
  • Deactivated: Vehicle deactivated in the system, which cannot be used in reports, functions, Contele Driver APP, etc.

What does this mean?

During the use of the system, it may happen that your fleet increases or decreases in size, either by sale, exchange, or purchase of other vehicles.

In these changes, you will need to add or delete the Vehicle from the Contele Fleet Tracking system.

An Activated Vehicle means that it is available to be used by Drivers.

A Deactivated Vehicle means that it cannot be used in the system, since it can:

  • Have been sold;
  • Exchanged;
  • Among other things.

You can see this in the Vehicle function, in your listing:

How do I activate or deactivate a Vehicle?

On the side menu, click Vehicles, select the desired vehicle, and activate or deactivate the Vehicle in the Vehicle Situation block, found in the Vehicle Data tab.

Switch to deactivate

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Article updated 03/25/2022