Estimated Value of Fuel Expenses (Cost)

The ${color}[#000000](** estimated amount of spent on fuel **) or ** Cost ** is based on the cost of the liter of fuel and the average consumption set in the [Vehicle Register](https : / / / You will always have this information for the selected route and period. This cost is estimated as it is based on a standard vehicle configuration. However, the value of the liter of fuel and the average consumption may vary. # What is the difference between refueling fuel consumption (Actual Average) and Estimated Cost Value? There are 2 ways to get costs and fuel consumption: 1. ** Supplies (average and actual consumption): ** Using the [Contele APP Driver]( driver-mtdbwa /), which will cross the fuel x odometer information, arriving at the real average. How the ** Real Average (km / l) ** of supplies is calculated: _ (Current Fill Odometer - Last Fill Odometer) / Liters filled to fill the tank_ ||| To know the ** Real Average ** of consumption, it is necessary to have at least 2 sequential fillings of ** Tank Full (Full) **. 2. ** Vehicle configuration (estimated cost): ** Using [standard vehicle configuration]( / ), where the average consumption of that Vehicle and the amount spent per liter are recorded. In the first form, the system will present the information as ** Actual Average (km / l) **, while in the second form it will be presented as ** Estimated Cost **. Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside. _Date of last article update: August 24, 2021_