Contele Desk: How to Export Tickets
It is possible to export the Tickets registered in Contele Desk in .xlsx (Excel) format. # How to do this? Under Tickets, scroll to the three dots in the upper-right corner. Choose the format you want to export. Prepare.  The .xlsx file will be downloaded in a pre-formatted form with up to four sheets: * Screening * Pending * In progress * Sorted out || If a Ticket with a classification in one of the four statuses above does not yet exist, the specific spreadsheet will not be generated in the file. # Export Ticket PDF Another option is to export the entire history of a Ticket in PDF format. To do this, you need to locate and click on this Ticket card. You will be directed to the history of this Ticket. On this screen, click on the three dots in the upper right corner and choose the Print option. In the opened window, choose "Save as PDF" in the "Destination" field. Then press the "Save" button. You will be asked to indicate the folder on your computer where this file will be created.  Learn more in the category [Contele Desk]( _This content solved your question or helped you? _ _Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside._