Excessive Speed Event

In Contele Fleet Tracker, the Manager can stipulate a maximum speed that the company's Vehicles should be driven. See in this article how to configure this Event. # How to configure On the side menu. go to **Vehicles** and then select a desired Vehicle. In the Vehicle Edition, go to the tab of **Events and Time of Use**. On this tab, you will find the **Maximum allowed speed** field. Add in numerals (50, 60, 70) the maximum speed that company Vehicles should have. # What happens if the driver exceeds the maximum speed? When a Vehicle exceeds the determined speed, the system identifies the Event and **sends a notification** to the Manager's e-mail and APP. In addition, this information is recorded in the [Event Report](/en/article/events-report-1ft582l/), and can later identify the: * Date of the occurrence; * Speed performed by the driver; * The driver; * Among other information. | Tip: If you still don't have the Contele Fleet application, download it now from [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.contelerastreadornovo) (Android) or [App Store](https://apps.apple.com/br/app/novo-contele-rastreador/id1531575287) (iOS). Also read: [Setting up email and app notifications](/en/article/setting-up-email-and-app-notifications-y4x5ev/) Did this content solve your doubt or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send us a message on the chat on the side.