
The Electronic Fence is a function that records when the vehicle enters or leaves an area that you have determined. Access ** Geofence **, click on ** "Register Fence" ** and create yours in a few minutes. # How to create an Geofence After clicking ** "Register Fence" **, you must enter a ** "Fence name" **. The name is important for identification in reports and notifications. ### Associated Vehicles Choose the vehicles that should register the event when entering or leaving the Geofence. ### Speed ​​Limit (Km/h) within this Geofence: Set a desired speed limit for the associated vehicles on the Geofence you are creating. All Events will be recorded as ** "Speeding Inside the Geofence" ** in the ** Events Report **. ### Creating the Geofence on the Map Now, type in the address to create the fence, or use the map to guide yourself. After that, click on the map to delimit the area of ​​your fence: ![]( | Tip 1: Use the Geofence to record your company's entries and exits. | Tip 2: Use the Geofence to record the exits of vehicles from the city of operation, checking for possible particular uses. # How to enable and disable Geofences On the same screen as ** Geofences **, you can disable a fence by clicking the ** "X" **. By default, the Geofences created are displayed on the system maps. Such a function can help you easily identify important regions. You can also disable the display of an Geofence on the map and still continue to generate events and receive emails. To hide the view on the map, just click the button to enable or disable the **"Show on Maps"** option. Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.