How to change the icon or color of the vehicle.

# How to set the vehicle icon color This feature is used to indicate the vehicle's location on the Home Screen map. If you have a large number of vehicles in your fleet, the function helps to differentiate one vehicle from another. To configure the color of each vehicle, access **"Vehicles"** in the left side menu of the screen, select the vehicle you want to change the color and click on the **"Pencil"** icon. Scroll down to the **"Icon Color"** field and select the color you want to represent the vehicle. In the **"Background Color"** field, select the color, the color that will be in the circle at the bottom of the icon. | It is important that the background and icon colors contrast with each other in order to be able to clearly see the vehicle on the Map. It is worth remembering that the color corresponding to the vehicle's status cannot be changed so that there is no wrong interpretation when reading the information. Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.