How to change the odometer configuration.

Access the side menu, position the mouse on the “vehicles” icon click on “manage”, select the desired vehicle by clicking on the edit button (blue pencil), the vehicle configuration page will open, in the odometer field, place the desired value and for end click on save, the odometer value will only be changed, as soon as the vehicle is started and the tracker receives the command, if not, the odometer will be the same as before. The **Vehicle Odometer** is essential for several features of the Contele Tracker, such as the **KM Reached** Event. # How to edit the Vehicle Odometer by Computer To edit the _odometer_ of a desired vehicle, in the side menu of the system, go to **Vehicles** and, in the **"Actions"** column, click on the **"Edit"** icon. In the **"Complementary data"** part, you must enter the vehicle's current odometer. After that, go to the bottom of the screen to **"Save"**. | Tip: Make the change to the Vehicle Odometer directly through the application. # How to edit the Vehicle Odometer via the App Download the Contele Fleet app on [Google Play]( or [App Store](, and use the same system login. In the application, go to **"List"**, click on the 3 points next to the desired vehicle, and select the **"Adjust Odometer"** option. Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.