How to Contract New Licenses and How to Reduce
To find out how many licenses are available, access the menu [Settings> Users]( At the top right of the screen, information will follow. Ex: **10 contracted licenses**. # Hiring more licenses To purchase more licenses, click the ** Buy More Licenses ** button. In the billing screen that will open, click on **Bring more licenses**. The system calculates the prorated amount of this license and issues a charge automatically. You can pay by ** boleto ** or **credit card**. || For credit card payment methods, licenses are released upon request. It is only necessary to pay for the contracting of licenses. || When the form of payment for new licenses is via bank slip, the bank has a period of 24 hours to generate the bank slip, which will be sent to the registered email. # How to reduce the number of licenses In the side menu, go to **Settings > Users**. After that, click on the user you want to disable, go to **Edit User** and click Disable. Then you must go to the system chat and request the license reduction. To make the request, follow the process: **I am a customer> Cancellation or reduction.** # Values To check the current amount paid, on the Billing Data screen, check under ** Invoice Amount ** the current amount paid.  Also read: [Users: Registration, Edition and Hierarchies]( Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.