How to Use the Checklist in the Contele Driver Application

** Vehicle Checklist ** Guarantees the safety of ** Driver ** and ** Vehicle **. This feature is a quick, mostly visual check that the driver of the ${color}[#000000](** Vehicle **) must respond whenever using a Company Vehicle. ![Vehicle Checklist in Contele Driver App]( | Your company still does not use the APP Contele Driver? Start using it for free [by clicking here]( With this registration, the Driver guarantees the condition of the Vehicle upon receipt and delivery, forwarding to the company everything that happens with the Vehicle. # How to use the Checklist in the Contele Driver Application With the Driver already [identified]( ), the application menu will show the Checklist option. If there is any irregularity in the Vehicle, click on the "Yes" button. Then select the available irregularities: * Damage to bodywork; * Broken lamp; * Flat / bald tire; * Dirty / Disorganized; * Different noise; * Connection difficulties; * Problem with vehicle documents; If none of the options are suitable for you, select the ** Other ** option and add Notes. See too: * [How to use Supply in Contele's Driver Application.]( /) Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside. _Date of last article update: August 24, 2021_