Logistics Service: What is it

# What is Logistics Service The **Logistics Service** serves to create planned routes in **Clients**, with stopping points between **Places**, and associate **Drivers** to the Services. This role is used for services such as Passenger Transport, Cargo and Deliveries, among other services that can be created by you. On the Logistics Service screen, you will be able to see the list of registered services, with Start Date, End, Status, Stopping Points, among other information. # Requirements to create a Logistics Service To create a Logistics Service, it is necessary to have registered Customers and Locations, which can be accessed via the button on the Menu. * **Clients:** Fill in the name, CPF/CNPJ, contact details and address of the Client who will use the Logistics Service; * **Places:** These are stopping point addresses, which will be used in the Logistics Service, such as a loading or delivery point; # Who is the Logistics Service for? The Logistics Service is designed for companies that have a demand for charter, cargo transport and the like, and it is possible to register routes and passengers in advance. # Values Companies that purchase the Logistics Service will have a special condition: **90 days** at no cost, more than enough time for you to adapt to the resource and see its importance. After the period ends, you will have the option to continue with the Service in the amount of R$15.00 per vehicle. || **Attention:** The contract is for all Vehicles in the organization. # I want to hire the Logistics Service, how do I do it? If you are interested in deploying the Logistics Service in your company, you can ask your expert advisor through the system chat, or through the chat right here. Remembering, to talk to your consultant, you need to click on the **Doubts about System Usage** option. After that, request the contracting of the Logistics Service. # Know more To learn more about the functions of the Logistics Service, visit our **Logistic Service** category. [Click here](https://help.contelerastreador.com.br/en/category/logistics-service-11t8zal/) to be directed to all our articles related to the subject. Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside. _Date of last article update: August 31, 2021_