Productivity Report

This report shows how long the vehicle has been switched off between one route and another per day, since the beginning of the journey and the end of the journey. Start of the Journey is the time the vehicle is started the first time of the day. End of journey is time the vehicle is turned off the last time of the day. The time the vehicle is off before and after the journey will not be calculated. Ex: The vehicle has 3 routes. start 11am end 12 noon ➠ 2 hours difference start 2pm end 3pm ➠ 5 hours difference start 7pm end 9pm ➠ 2 hours difference Total off between routes ⇢ 9 hours (vehicle off) Average stop time ⇢ 3 hours (vehicle off) See another ** example **: ![]( Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.