What characterizes a route in the system?

A route is generated every time your vehicle is ** on and then off **. || Obs. The system will still consider the same route if the vehicle is switched off and on again, in less than 30 seconds. In the **Route Report**, each line refers to the route, even if it is a maneuver and lasts only a few seconds. In addition to the address, you will have registered the following data for each route: * Date and time the route started and ended. * Duration of this route. * Total distance of the route. * Amount in R$ spent on fuel * Average and maximum speed of the route. You have two ways to access the **Route Report**: 1. Access the left side menu, click on **“Report”** and **“Routes”**. 2. On the map screen, click on the desired vehicle, and then click on the “Show Routes” button inside the vehicle information rectangle. If necessary, click on the option **“Display Addresses”**, above the header, to see the starting and ending addresses of each route. This option may take a while, as it is necessary to convert all coordinates to addresses. | Tip: See vehicle routes from wherever you are, using the Contele Fleet App. # How to see directions through the app? Download the Contele Fleet app on [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.contelerastreador&hl=en_GB) or [App Store](https://apps.apple.com/br/app/contele-rastreador/id1141105134), and use the same system login. In the application, go to **"List"**, click on the 3 points next to the desired vehicle, and select the option **"Recent Routes (2 days)"** or **"Routes from another date"**. Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.