Vehicle Usage Events and Schedules
In Contele Rastreador, you can determine the days and times the company's ${color}[#000000](** Vehicles **) can be used. # How to configure Events and Vehicle Usage Schedules In the side menu, access ** Vehicles ** and select the Desired Vehicle. In Vehicle Edition, select the ** Events and Usage Hours ** tab. In this tab, you can: * Configure the ** days and times ** that vehicles can be used; * Configure the maximum allowed speed; * Configure the maximum vehicle stop time with the engine running (minutes).  # How to configure the days and times of use In the ** Events and Usage Schedule ** tab, click ** Edit Usage Schedule **. In Setup, you can configure each day of the week and separate the periods of the day by clicking the plus (+) button. To configure, click on the desired day and choose the Usage Schedule. # What happens if they use the vehicle outside of hours? If the driver uses a vehicle outside the allowed time, the system will register an [Event]( for you to check more evening. To receive a ** Notification at the time of the occurrence **, activate the [Email and App Notifications]( - and -mail-and-no-app-1kwa0f5 /). | Productivity tip: Download the Contele Tracker app ([Play Store]( or [App Store](https: // apps . or by email. See too: [Event report. ]( Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside. _Date of last article update: August 24, 2021_