The Real Average and Ideal Average (Estimated Cost) of fuel consumption are the main indicators for cost reduction with Contele Fleet Tracking.
There are 2 ways you can arrive at the costs and fuel consumption:
Actual Average
Source: Full Tank refueling at Contele Driver APP
Using the Contele Driver APP, which will cross the information from the fill-up vs odometer, arriving at the real Average.
How is calculated the Real Average (km/l) of fills:
To know the Real Average consumption, it is necessary to have at least 2 sequential fill-ups of a full tank.
Warning: Instruct your drivers to always fill up with a full tank.
Ideal Average (Estimated Cost)
Origin: Vehicle Settings (Manufacturer's Manual)
Using the Vehicle's standard configuration, where the average consumption of that vehicle and the amount spent per liter are registered.
Vehicle Settings
This cost is considered an estimate, as it is based on a standard Vehicle configuration. However, in reality, the amount of fuel per liter and the average consumption can vary.
We consider this registration as the Ideal Average because, generally, this estimated average consumption is taken from the vehicle's manual.
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Article updated 04/12/2022