How to view Visits in the Contele Teams APP

See how to view your Visits in Contele Teams

It is possible for users to view Visits in two ways through the application:

1. Home Screen

On the Home Screen of the App, you can see the Pending Visits and Visits Made so far.


Contele Teams APP home screen

2. Visits Screen

After logging in, and being automatically directed to the App's Start Screen, simply access the Visits screen, and you will be able to view them.


Contele Teams APP Visits Screen

Regardless of the screen accessed, the information and Visits present in the system will be the same.

When checking Visits, you will have 3 statuses available to track them:

  1. Pending: visits of the day incomplete or to be performed;
  2. Completed: visits with check-in and check-out, made today or in days past;
  3. Canceled: visits canceled by the Administrator.

Learn more about Visitor Status.

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Article last updated: 09/06/2023