Contele Desk: How to Create a Visit from Ticket
After creating a Ticket (either by you or by your client), it is necessary to schedule a Visit by your User to meet this demand. **To create a Visit, you must:** * Find the job you want to assign to a technician and the date of the Visit. * Click on this Ticket. * The Ticket details page will open. * Click on the “New Visit” button. # Setting the Visit On the scheduling page, you must choose the date on which the Visit will take Place. It is also possible to determine an approximate radius of which Users are closest to the workplace.  A list of all your Users who meet the search criteria (date and radius) will be visible, with the free hours each one has that day. Just click on the free time corresponding to the User in which you want to assign this task. A new screen will open to confirm the information and add details. | Note: if you want to change the User, day and/or date of the visualization, just click on the pencil icon (edit). You will return to the previous page to set this information. Once the task data is confirmed, just click on the "Create Visit" button || Note: When confirming the visit, this task becomes associated with your User, who will have access through the APP Contele Field Team or the Contele Field Team Manager system. # Visit Data The summary of the Visit can be seen in the ** Details ** of the Notice. To verify this information, just locate the Ticket and click on it. Visit details will be available right below the Ticket details. | Tip: by clicking on the Visit data, you will be taken to the full details of this Visit that is scheduled in Contele Manager Teams. (See [more information on this link]( Learn more in the category [Contele Desk](Https:// Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.