Contele Desk: How to Filter Tickets
One way to facilitate the display of Tickets is using **Filters.** To use this tool, click the funnel button on the Tickets page, next to **Filtering by**.  **You can adopt filters by:** * **Priority:** High, Medium and Low; * **Customer:** Customer name; * **User:** Tickets assigned by one of your Users. | You can use all filters at once if you prefer. # Clean the filter **There are two ways to remove filters:** 1. Via the “Clear filters” button. By pressing this button, all selected filters will be removed.  2. Specify which filter to remove (if you chose more than one filter). In this case, just point the mouse cursor over the filter and press the X next to this item.  Learn more in the category [Contele Desk.]( This content solved your question or helped you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.