Contele Desk: How to Filter Tickets

One way to facilitate the display of Tickets is using **Filters.** To use this tool, click the funnel button on the Tickets page, next to **Filtering by**. ![]( **You can adopt filters by:** * **Priority:** High, Medium and Low; * **Customer:** Customer name; * **User:** Tickets assigned by one of your Users. | You can use all filters at once if you prefer. # Clean the filter **There are two ways to remove filters:** 1. Via the “Clear filters” button. By pressing this button, all selected filters will be removed. ![Clear filter]( 2. Specify which filter to remove (if you chose more than one filter). In this case, just point the mouse cursor over the filter and press the X next to this item. ![Clean the filters]( Learn more in the category [Contele Desk.]( This content solved your question or helped you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.