Contele Desk: How to Open Tickets from the Public Site

**Your customers have two ways to register a Ticket:** * By email; * Through an exclusive page. # New call per webpage One of the ways your customer can open a Ticket is through a **One-page form.** This page can be customized, including your company logo and cover. **Contele Desk offers two ways to open this Ticket:** * Through a unique browser page (created by Contele Desk); * Through a button, which can be incorporated into your company's website, which points to the Ticket registration page. || Note: the costs of hosting this material on the internet are the responsibility of your company. There are free web page hosting options. ![]( # How to configure the form page In Contele Desk, go to **Settings > Opening Ticket**. On this page, you can: * Free or close access for opening Tickets; * Add the logo and cover to the form. * Instructions for filling out the form; * Customize the form. # How to customize the form At the **Opening Ticket** screen, scroll to the **Form** block and click on the add field. There are five types of fields: * **Text** - Field used to include short texts, such as a title for example; * **Long Text** - Field used to include a text box with up to 512 characters; * **List** - Field used to include a list with options to be chosen, such as categories; * **Checkbox** - Field used to include a checklist as possible defective items; * **Upload** - Field used so that files such as photos or documents can be uploaded. Edited, the changes will be automatically saved. After that, just copy the ticket opening URL to your customer. ![Contele Desk Form]( To know more: [Contele Desk: How to open Ticket by e-mail]( ) [New connection via Contele Desk]( This content solved your question or helped you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.