Contele Desk: Search for a Tickets
Ticket Search is a tool developed to facilitate the search for registered jobs. Through this action, you can find Ticket faster, regardless of whether the task is in **Screening, Pending, In Progress, Completed or in Archive.** The Search field is located at the top of the Tickets page. To perform the search, just click on the **Search Tickets** field and enter the terms referring to the Task Subject (Ticket). The search is textual based on the information recorded in the title and/or messages of the Ticket.  The results will be displayed with the job number, priority set, job subject and creation date. To choose the specific item, just click on the desired Ticket. And so, the details of this Ticket will be opened. Learn more in the category [Contele Desk.](Https:// This content solved your question or helped you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.