How to Register Products

The Products role of Contele's Field Team Manager is intended to facilitate the User's transition of products, equipment and materials to a registered Location. ${youtube}[Products: What it is and how it can be used (Activate subtitles)](Sk1mXvXIBo4) In this article, you will learn: * ** How to register Products in the system; ** # How to register products in the system ${youtube}[Products: How to register a product (Activate subtitles)](GFTj7i3dvAo) From the main screen, click ** Settings > Products.** To register a new product, click ** Register Product ** located in the upper left corner. In this step, you will add all information to the product in **Overview**, the main ones being: * **Photo and product name**; * **Minimum Stock Quantity:** when stock reaches this number, you will be notified to be reminded to restock; * **Quantity in stock:** total product stock. ![Product registration overview]( By clicking on **Advanced Options**, you will add other important information: * Cost value (unit); * Sale value (unit); * Product Description; * Expiration Date (In the case of perishables); * Forms of Identification (External ID, Barcode, Labels); || The product description has a 512 character limitation. ### Custom fields ${youtube}[Products: Custom Fields (Activate subtitles)](1Ao7P_3350k) Once your product is registered, you can still add instructions in Custom Fields. This area consists of only two columns: Name and Specifications. In this section, you can add the care you should take with the item. || The Custom Fields button only appears when you've filled in all of the general product information. ![Example]( Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.