Product Function (Registration and Reports)

The Products role of Contele Field Team Manager is intended to facilitate the User's transition of products, equipment and materials to a registered Location. In this article, you will learn: * **How to register Products in the system;** * **How the user sees and uses the products function;** * **How to generate product reports;** # How to register products in the system From the main screen, click **Settings > Products.** To register a new product, click ** Register Product ** located in the upper left corner. In this step, you will add all information to the product in **Overview**, the main ones being: * **Photo and product name**; * **Minimum Stock Quantity:** when stock reaches this number, you will be notified to be reminded to restock; * **Quantity in stock:** total product stock. By clicking on **Advanced Options**, you will add other important information: * Cost value (unit); * Sale value (unit); * Product Description; * Expiration Date (In the case of perishables); * Forms of Identification (External ID, Barcode, Labels); | In the product description, you can add the care that the user must have with the product. ### Custom fields Once your product is registered, you can still add instructions in Custom Fields. This area consists of only two columns: Name and Specifications. In Name, you put what the subject is and in Specifications, what or how it should be done. __Example:__ **Name:** Conservation **Specifications:** 26 degrees # How to use the Products function in APP Contele for Teams From the main screen of the app, click on ** Products ** in the lower right corner of the screen. The Products screen will have two tabs, ** Inventory ** and **In Stock**. * **Inventory:** Finds all the products that the Application user currently has at hand; * **In stock:** Products located in company stock. By clicking on a Product, the User will have access to its information and the Form linked to the Product. ## How to make transfers in the App? To be able to make transfers in the APP, go to Visits and click on a visit. In the Visit Panel, you will have a preview of the Visit items. Click on **Products**. After that, the user will have 3 options of actions to perform: 1. Deliver: Use when the user is delivering products to the site. 2. Remove: Use when the User is going to remove products from the Site (damaged products, expiration date, etc.); 3. Replace: Remove an old product and replace it. ### How to deliver these products? Click on the desired action (in this case, let's assume it is **Delivery**) Select the products that will be delivered to the establishment and click Next. Select the quantity of each Product that will be delivered. Access one more screen and click make delivery. || The quantity delivered will be automatically deducted from the user's inventory. # Product Report On the side menu, click on Reports and go to **Product.** For a report to be generated it is necessary to make a filter, and the fields available for this are * Desired Period; * Product * User; Once the report is generated, you will have the following information: * Product and quantity moved; * Unit value and Total Product; * Product Origin and Destination, along with the User and Location; * Preview of the Visit; || If necessary, you can export the report to xlsx. format. Did this content resolve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you didn't find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.