Solving time zone problems

Written by Marco Antonio - Gerente de Produtos

With daylight saving time, **some situations may occur with your computer's** time compared to Contele Team Field Manager time. The main reason for this problem is that Windows may erroneously change your computer time, when the time that is entered on your computer's clock is different from what Windows actually records. **How to ensure that the computer time is the same as Contele Team Field Manager?** # Computer time Open your computer's **date and time settings** and **select the time zone closest to the city you are in**. If the problem persists, change to another time zone that has the same UTC and again close and open the browser. To access Windows **Date and Time** settings, right-click on the toolbar or search for ''Change Date and Time ''. Caso você não tenha encontrado, veja o artigo abaixo do Windows como editar o fuso horário do computador: ### [How to use Alarms & Clock app in Windows 10]( # Time in Contele Team Field Manager Another important check is to check which time zone is registered in your Contele Team Field Manager account.To check, simply go to the **"Your Company"** tab in the settings menu or click the button below: ![]( Did this content solve your question or help you? Vote below and, if you did not find what you were looking for, send a message in the chat beside.